Dr.Sonny P Jacob
Consultant Cardiology
Dr.Sonny Jacob has been in the field of adult cardiology and paediatric cardiology for more than 22years. He graduated from Medical college Trivandrum ,Kerala and did MD in (Internal Medicine) from B J medical College Pune. He got trained in Cardiology from the Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medial sciences and Technology, Trivandrum Kerala India. After he got trained in Cardiology, he started his practice in a hospital in Kerala and had training in Paediatric echocardiogram from Dept. of Paediatric Cardiology Amrita Institute of Medical sciences for 6 months. He also worked as attending physician to Cathlabs at Lisy heart Institute and Medical Trust Hospital Cochin for coronary Interventions. Later he moved to Muscat and worked there for 7 years and moved to Bahrain and worked as Consultant Cardiologist at American Mission hospital from 2016 to 2023.Out of his Interest in Interventional cardiology he had a short stay as attending physician to Cathlab at Believers Heart Institute, Thiruvalla Kerala. His focus area has been to establish and detct early atherosclerosis,treating the diseases that affect the heart and cardiovascular system and congenital heart diseases. He has a Keen interest in 2D echocardioigraphy of Adult, Neonatal and Paediatric population. He has extensive experience in handeling cardiac emergencies of all types including arrythemias/heart failures/major and minor MI, hypertensive emergencies.
• MBBS - Medical College Trivandrum, Kerala ,India
• M.D.( Internal Medicine)- BJ Medical college Pune, Maharastra, India
• DNB (Int.Medicine)
• DM(Cardiology)- Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medial sciences and Technology, Trivandrum Kerala India.
• FRCP(Edin)
Languages Known:
English - Hindi -MalayalamScope of Services:
• 2DEchocardiography(Adult, Neonatal and Paediatric)
• Exercise stress Test
• Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitorring for the detection of Hypertension/and circardian rythm changes
• Holter monitorring for Arrythemia detection
• Coronary angiogram and PCI
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