The General and Laparoscopic Surgery Department is equipped with the latest technology and infrastructure, supported by an experienced team of surgeons. The department specializes in performing all major surgeries involving abdomen, skin, breast, soft tissues, and hernia. The Department of General Surgery deals with a range of surgical ailments and emergencies.
Well trained surgeons in our hospital deal with complex abdominal surgeries and trauma cases. Most abdominal surgeries are performed through laparoscopy (keyhole surgery). Backing this team of highly skilled surgeons are trained nurses and technicians, and state-of-the-art operation theatres equipped with the latest technology. Patients receive specialized assessment, latest treatments along with clinical post-operative care, medications and a regular follow-up. The advantages of this technique over traditional open surgery include a shorter hospital stay and faster recovery time; less pain and bleeding after the operation; and reduced scarring.
All surgical emergencies are first assessed in the department of emergency and later operated if required. Well-equipped ICUs help in better post-operative management.
Services provided for different types of surgical cases:
- Laparoscopic Technique: Laparoscopic surgery is performed through small incisions. A telescope with a video camera inserted through one incision provides visualization of the operation on a TV monitor. Surgical instruments are then passed through additional small incisions, and the entire operation takes place completely within the patient’s body. When the telescope is used to operate on the abdomen, the procedure is called laparoscopy:
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
- Laparoscopic Appendectomy
- Laparoscopic Hemioplasty
- Laparoscopic Fundoplication
- Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
- Laparoscopic Colorecta Surgery
- Laparoscopic Video-Assissted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS)
- Management of Non-trauma cases:
- Peritonitis
- Pancreatitis
- Cholangitis
- Acute Appendicitis
- Acute Cholecystitis
- Intestinal obstruction (small and large bowel)
- Complicated Hernias
- Hematemesis
- Bleeding per rectum
- Skin infection (abcess-cellulites-necrotizing fasciitis-diabetic foot)
- Cold General Surgery cases
- Malignant cases (GIT, Thyroid, salivary gland, skin)
- Skin (lipoma, sebaceous cyst, melanoma)
- Foot (diabetic foot, wet gangrene)
- Salivary gland
- Thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands
- Breast
- Liver
- Spleen
- Gall Bladder, bile ducts
- Cholecystectomy, exploration of common bile duct
- Pancreas
- Peritoneum
- Hernia
- GIT (esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and large bowel, rectum and anal canal)
- Anal Surgery:
- Hemorrhoidectomy
- Fistulectomy
- Fissurectomy
- Management of Trauma cases:
- Fall from height
- Neck injuries
- Diaphragmatic injuries

Department Doctors

Dr. Bashar A. Saleh
Consultant - General and Laparoscopic Surgery - Medical director

Dr. Hani Al Saati
Consultant General and Laparoscopic Surgery / Oncosurgery

Dr. Venkata Srinivas G
Consultant Gastrointestinal Surgeon

Dr. Fatema Ebrahim Alebrahim
GP - General Surgery
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