Dr. Nabeel S. Alshafai

Head of Department - Consultant Neurosurgeon

A/Professor Nabeel S. Alshafai is the founder and chairman of the Nabeel Alshafai Neurospine Centre which was established in 2020 in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The project is a dream to bring the highest quality Neurosurgery to the middle east specifically in the GCC to serve the local population starting with the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

During his training in Toronto, he was involved in elective rotations in skull-base surgery under the supervision of professors Fred Gentili and Michael Cusimano. He passed three neurosurgery board exams 2012/2013: The Canadian Royal College of Surgeons (FRCSC), The European Board of Neurological Surgery (EBNS) and The American part one Board of Neurological Surgery exams (ABNS).

Then he did a complex spine fellowship year under the supervision of Prof. Michael Fehlings at the Toronto Western Hospital. Nabeel’s experience with exams made him passionate and determined to create a review course for his colleagues which would make it easier to collect, study, and synthesize knowledge relevant to neurosurgical practice and board exams. In 2013 he established the Comprehensive Clinical Neurosurgery Review (www.ccnreview.com) which has become one of the main neurosurgical events world wide. This was followed by further state of the art annual courses world wide ,but mainly held in Europe. He consequently, founded The Alshafai Academy which is a Canadian non for profit organization (www.alshafaiacademy.org) head quartered in Toronto city. This academy runs a number of educational annual training courses and publishes leading research projects in esteemed international neurosurgical journals. A/Professor Alshafai’s research interests are in spine injuries, innovation in cranio-cervical junction surgical approaches, brain concussion and innovation in neurosurgical training.

In early 2015, he was recruited from Canada as a consultant neurosurgeon and spine surgeon at The Antwerpen University Hospital in Belgium. He was an Assistant Professor at the University and the Residency Training Program Director at the Hospital. In October 2015 he was elected to be the new Chair of Post-graduate Educational Commitee for the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies EANS (www.EANS.org). He has become an examiner for the European Board of Neurological Surgery (EBNS) and is a member of the International committee representing the EANS.

In 2017, A/Professor Alshafai was recruited to his home country, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He took the challenge and founded the first department of Neurosurgery at the Royal Commission Hospital in Jubail Industrial City. The department has been able to grow exponentially and perform complex cranial and spinal surgeries since 2018 with more than 200 cases in a short time. In 2020, the department of Neurosurgery will have eight members in neurosurgeons and a fully equipped, modern neurosurgical operating theatre.



A/Professor Alshafai graduated from King Faisal University Medical School, with the third highest score in his class. Following his graduation, he immediately joined neurosurgical residency training at the University of Toronto in Canada under the supervision of Professors Jim Rutka, Chris Wallace and Charles Tator. He then did a travelling fellowship year in Europe at reputable centres while visiting professor’s J Schramm (Bonn, Germany), J. Hernesniemi (Helsinki, Finland) and U. Ture (Istanbul, Turkey).

Languages Known:

English, Arabic

Scope of Services:

Management of Head Injuries

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents, falls from heights, sports injuries and others (infants to paediatrics to adults to advanced age)
  • We manage a variety of injuries from concussions to head injuries (Mild to Moderate to Severe)
  • We provide education and support in prevention, life style modification, medical therapies, surgical interventions and neuro-rehabilitative treatment for head injuries

Peripheral Nerve Disease

We receive consults for medical and surgical disorders of the peripheral nerves.
We manage:

  • Injuries
  • Compressions
  • Inflammations
  • Tumors

Including upper and lower extremities as well as other areas such as brachial plexopathies etc.

Neurosurgical Oncology

We provide a comprehensive approach and state of the art management of brain and spine tumors. This includes expert consults on surgical neuro-oncology, as well as medical oncology and advice regarding both radiation and radiosurgical therapies using the most up to date literature.

Cerebrovascular Open Surgical and Endovascular Interventional Therapies

We provide expertise in interventional diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for:

  • Diagnosis
  • Pre-operative preparation
  • Combined with surgeries
  • Full treatment option
  • Post-operative checkout

We also provide:

  • Comprehensive approach (surgical, interventional and medical) brain and spine haemorrhages both spontaneous and traumatic
  • Aneurysms
  • Arteriovenous malformations
  • Arteriovenous fistulas
  • Cavernous malformations
  • Hypertensive haemorrhages
  • Amyloid angiopathies
  • Vein of Galen Malformation
  • Inflammatory causes such as lupus, post radiation, Moya moya disease, Takayasu’s etc. and many other cerebro-vascular disorders
  • Stroke of all types and carotid vessel disorders

Skull-base open and endoscopic surgeries

Expertise in using neuro-endoscopy approach through different passages such as the nose vs. ear vs. an open skull techniques according to the safest and most effective individualised approach

  • Dealing with simple and complex skull base lesions (tumors both benign and cancerous).
  • Pituitary gland lesions
  • Lesions at the sella , supra, infra and parasellar regions
  • Hormone producing tumors of the pituitary glands

Epilepsy Disorders

We provide medical management of epilepsy by world experts We also provide epilepsy surgery for cases such as, but not limited to:

  • Drug resistant epilepsy or lesion induced seizures
  • Congenital brain disorders
  • Hemispherectomies
  • Vagal nerve stimulation
  • Surface diagnostic electrodes

Paediatric Neurosurgery

We manage all varieties of paediatric neurosurgical disorders including:

  • Tumors
  • Congenital (such as deformed skulls in craniosynostosis, encephalocoels etc.)
  • Epilepsies
  • Spinal dysraphism
  • In utero procedures

Functional and Movement Disorders Disease

  • For movement disorders resistant to medical treatment such as Parkinsonism, Dystonia, Choreo-athetosis, Tremors of all types etc
  • Offer comprehensive consultation based on most recent research oriented and medico-legally accepted opinions
  • Review and offer potential surgeries in the current year for other disorders such as Alzheimer’s etc.
  • Provide evidence based opinion on medical management of movement disorders by our own Neurologists

Neurologic Pain

We provide a comprehensive approach for neurologic pain with a combination of life style modification, rehabilitation, psychologic therapies, medical as well as possible surgical options. This service is offered in a multi disciplinary approach.

Medical Neurology

Provide cutting edge consultations on a variety of medical neurological disorders including ,but not limited to:

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimers
  • Peripheral neuropathies
  • Neuromuscular disorders
  • Infections of the brain and spine
  • Inflammation of the brain and spine





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